Revista Europea de Derecho de la Navegación Marítima y Aeronáutica
ISSN versión electrónica: 2386-8902
Prawo Morskie, edited by: Polska Akademia Nauk. Oddzial w Gdansku, Poland. vol. XXX (2014).
Leonard Łukaszuk
Streszczenie: Jubileuszowy XXX tom rocznika „Prawo Morskie” zawiera studia i artykuły z zakresu prawa morskiego i prawa morza o nowych aspektach regulacji prawnych i polityki morskiej. Uwzględniono w nich regulacje uniwersalne i Unii Europejskiej wraz z interpretacją – z zakresu żeglugi morskiej, bezpieczeństwa i ochrony środowiska morskiego, rybołówstwa, infrastruktury związanej z gospodarką morską i energetyką nuklearną.
Słowa kluczowe: administracja morska, elektroniczne dokumenty morskie, środowiskowa gospodarka morska, usługi portowe, hipoteka morska, kabotaż morski, marynarka wojenna, zarejestrowane działki w Obszarze dna morskiego, delimitacja granic morskich, rybołówstwo i przemysł rybołówczy, platformy wydobywcze ropy i gazu, sztuczne wyspy, nadbrzeżne instalacje i urządzenia, nadbrzeżna elektrownia jądrowa.
This XXXth special anniversary volume of the “Maritime Law” yearbook contains first both: introductory remarks by Professor Mirosław H. Koziński as the editorial chief and acting President of the Commission of Maritime Law of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk Division and opinion by Professor Andrzej Szmyt – Secretary of the Committee of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, very highly assessed both intellectual and pragmatic values of this yearbook and activity of the Commission of Maritime Law.
First article by Zbigniew Godecki presents legal matters of maritime administration system and conclusions de lege lata and de lege ferenda. The article by Iwona Zużelewicz-Wiewiórkowska and Wojciech Rafał Wiewiórowski on electronic documents data processing in e-Maritime analyses e-Maritime systems as implemented by Singapore Port and the European e-Maritime initiative. Basic presumptions of environmental maritime economy within legal framework of international law, EU law and Polish internal law have been discussed by Janina Ciechanowicz ‒ McLean and Maciej Nyka as an exact meaning of sustainable development in the sphere of economic use of maritime resources. Seaport services both in European Union law and Polish maritime code reviews Miroslaw H. Kozinski as a system which includes shipping agency, shipbroking, pilotage and towage. Application of Cape Town Convention to ships (the UNIDROIT proposal) presented in article by Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska looks into a recently developed concept of international interest which is intended as a replacement for traditional securities such as ship mortgages and maritime liens.
In article on maritime cabotage in European Court of Justice case law Justyna Nawrot analyses maritime cabotage as a part of the European Union law since 1992 applying the principle of freedom to provide services to maritime transport the Member States.
Remarks on international status of oil platforms, artificial islands, offshore installations and facilities by Janusz Symonides points that the key deficiency in maritime law is the absence of international convention on liability for pollution damage from oil rigs. Andrzej Makowski analyses legal issues of naval presence in the world ocean upon UNCLOS. Upon his opinion the burden to enforce law and order at seas rests on large naval fleets and it remains to be so in foreseeable future. Some problems of exploration and exploitation of registered marine parcels within The Area by developed and developing countries’ companies analyses Robert Tarnacki as the approval process of a work plan for offshore polymetallic modules mining submitted by companies incorporated in the Kingdom of Tonga and in the Municipality of Laur. He notes, on this occasion, an unsettling for taking unfair advantage of developing countries by large mining corporations. Marcin Kałduński in article on special circumstances in delimitation of maritime boundaries explains this concept as a rather indistinct notion composed of geographical (mostly) and non geographical factors. He analyses in this context some recent delimitation cases regarding the Black Sea, the Caribbean and the Bay of Bengal case upon 2012 judgement by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. The article on fishing and the maritime legal order (by myself) outlined upon UNCLOS and other treaties as well as quoted opinions of scholars and co-originators of UNCLOS-focuses on overfishing, sustainable fishery, prevention of illegal and uncontrolled fishing and acts of fishing piracy. In this article have been also presented: European Union law and policies on fishing, including broader issues regarding co-operation between the UE and international entities.
Marta Bizewska in her article on shipowners as beneficiariers of lost jobs compensation scheme in fishing industry citizens the regulations and formulates conclusions de lege ferenda. Marcin Makowski discusses issue of the first Polish nuclear power plant under construction towards the Baltic Sea maritime protection problem upon international law. He substantial argues: the critical body whose opinion should be taken into account with respect to localization and construction of the nuclear power plant is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM).
Final, in this yearbook have been included "Informations and Materials", by M. H. Koziński, on: History of the legislative works in Poland of the “second register” of ships in Poland. Review of the book on: Places of Refuge for Ships in Distress. Problems and Methods of Resolution by Anthony P. Morrison (as the author). Leiden-Boston 2012. Collection of contents of the volumes of “Prawo Morskie” (Maritime Law) – from 1986 till to 2013. [Recibido el 15 de diciembre de 2014].
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REVISTA EUROPEA DE LA NAVEGACIÓN MARÍTIMA Y AERONÁUTICA es una revista académica, editada y mantenida por La revista dejó de depender de la Universidad de Málaga en noviembre de 2013 y de en noviembre de 2020, fecha en la que se conformó Para cualquier comunicación, envíe un mensaje a, o